Carrie runs a multi-million dollar business by outsourcing prospecting work for companies. When it comes to prospecting strategies Carries knows all the tricks of the trades and when you talk to her you get it straight – no B.S. In this episode, Carrie talks about sales development trends, puts to rest the cold calling debate,…

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The debate on leaving voicemails has been around as long as voicemail has been around. What is the answer to the following questions? Should I leave a voicemail? How often should I leave voicemails? How long is the optimal voicemail? How do voicemails respond compared to email? Should I leave a voicemail? Yes, in face…

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Wow, I wish I had seen this question earlier.  (I just read this question again in a LinkedIn Group I’m a part of, the Sales 2.0 group, and couldn’t do it justice as a mere comment!) Leaving a voicemail is one of the most underutilized of media and one of my favorites. For years the…

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