There’s an art and a science to building a sales cadence, and only a blending of both will allow you to get through to the best prospects. When executed correctly, a sales cadence can nearly double your contact rates. It is the path that sales professionals follow to success. XANT has created the ultimate guide…

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When sales reps reach out to prospects via email, phone or using social media, they execute what is called a sales cadence… That is, if they simply don’t give up after one phone call or email. Research shows you have a higher chance of contacting leads when you are persistent in your outreach. However, the…

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Social selling is all the buzz right now, as consumers are moving more and more to social networks and sellers are following them right through. However, there’s a right way and a wrong way to introduce social selling into your sales cadence strategy. Too many IM’s, and your lead will block or report you. Give…

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