When I began working with sales teams, I thought gamification was gimmicky, expensive and provided short-lived results. However, as I’ve worked with more and more sales organizations, I’ve seen firsthand the benefits of gamification. Over time, I’ve observed that most sales teams fail with gamification for two reasons: They’re not strategic in their approach. They…

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How does the saying go? Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life … The folks at memoryBlue seem to have this figured out, which is why their Facebook status caught our attention: Using gamification to incentivize successful sales behavior has long been a part of the culture at…

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Join Ken Krogue and Charles Coonradt, the Grandfather of Gamification, on Oct. 30, 2012 as the pair presents a live webinar discussing best practices and techniques in how to motivate sales reps and boost results through sales gamification. This webinar features some of the industry leaders in the gamification and sales space. A professor of…

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