Lead Generation Tip: Add a Tiny Bit of “Oomph” to Your Elevator Pitch

Something short and sweet today for teams doing lead generation:

We’ve all heard the concept of the “elevator pitch”–A concise, high-impact statement designed to convey the identity and value of your company/product/brand in the space of 30 seconds or less (some say as little as 10).

For example, “At XANT, we empower sales reps to take control of their prospecting and fill their pipelines faster, and give managers better insight into the process while it happens.”

The value of such a statement, obviously, isn’t that it’s actually going to be used to pitch a VC board member on an elevator (although if you’ve actually done this and gotten funding, that would be a great story and I’d love to hear it). The value is that an “elevator pitch” lets you boil down a core message into something easy to digest, but still demonstrates key touch points that communicate how you serve a prospect’s potential needs. It’s the exercise itself that’s important, though the end result can be useful in prospecting.

But I recently ran across an interesting update to this concept, which is that not only should you state what you do for the people you serve (“We do X thing for people Y”), but at the end you should include a qualifying statement that directly connects to a prospect’s condition, typically a pain you’re addressing (“We do X thing for people Y, even if Z”).

So in this case, our updated pitch would read:

“At XANT, we empower sales reps to take better control of their prospecting, fill their pipelines faster, and give managers better insight into the process while it happens—even if the sales reps aren’t dynamic ‘closers.'”

It’s that last hook that adds a subtle, longer-lasting impact on the prospect’s mind. Prospects hear basic benefit pitches all the time, but when you can qualify the benefit against a condition the prospect is actually experiencing, it carries more weight.

Play with your “elevator pitch” and qualifying “condition statement” in your presentations until you find one that works. The exercise and practice will help you better get inside the minds of your prospects.

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